Who We are...
Bangladesh Social Service (BSS) was formed in 1995 as a voluntary, humanitarian and development organization to respond to the essential needs of the marginalized communities, children, and persons with disabilities in the rural and urban areas of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Social Service (BSS) is a learning organization focusing on the basic needs of children, marginalized communities, and persons with disabilities through different projects and programs, addressing emergency needs, through relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction, and development followed by a sustainable development approach, focusing on human resources development towards self-reliance, collective growth and enhance justice for the promote of good governance, and peace through universal education, health, economic empower, women empower, safe home for orphan children, integrated development for persons with disabilities, emergency responses, and universal child development through community- based development and sustainable development approaches.
In the integrated approaches, the Bangladesh Social Service (BSS) respects several projects and programs like human and organizational potential improvement programs, participatory development programs, ethic community development programs, universal child development programs, women empowerment, community-based disaster risk management programs, Climate change & adaptation initiatives, emergency response program and Advocacy program, so that holistic approaches took place to address the multidimensional vulnerability and poverty.
255 300+ Children in
Africa Need School
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Your monthly contribution helps provide life-changing, essential needs to your sponsored child and his or her entire community.